Your Technology Executive Partner

Kaapro Consulting provides strategic and on-demand technology leadership to help enterprises navigate the complexities of digital world

My Services

Leading an organisation during a period of change or transformation demands a unique blend of understanding, insight, and empathy. Interim and Fractional CTO/CIO services can accelerate the change.

CTO as a Service

Interim or fractional CTO can be a great asset in time of change. If the role is not fulfilled or the company is going through a transformation a CTO can help on setting the technology directions and making sure right execution of the roadmaps are done. 

CIO as a services

Interim or fractional CIO is there to establish governance, set the direction of technology and support on the next phase of IT. It also supports on time of change when CIO position is not filled 

Technology Leadership

Technology Leadership in projects, services is utilised when critical transformation are at hand

Architecture sets the foundation for a company. It goes from Enterprise architecture to solution architecture and requires processes and tools to function efficiently. Architecture services establishes the practices, defines the target architectures and the roadmaps for an enterprise

Chief Architect as a Service

Chief Architect as a service provides fractional or interim expertise to establish and drive the architecture transformation in an enterprise. 

Architecture assessment

Architecture assessments are used when an enterprise is in a turning point to set direction for growth. 

  • Evaluation of the current architecture landscape
  • Risk assessment of the IT Operating environment 
  • Target Architecture definition 
  • Recommendations for a roadmap

Security services are focused on mid to long term transformations when there is a need to improve how security is operated: Security Governance sets the practices and architecture the controls supporting both processes and technologies. It all can start with a security assessment that sets the ambition level

Security Architecture

  • Defining the target architecture for security 
  • Establishing the processes and technologies for security 
  • Defining the roadmaps for improvement
  • Defining measurements for architecture compliance

Security Governance

  • Setting up security governance
  • Building risk management
  • Building the maturity of the organisation

Security Assesments

  • Defining the compliance frameworks 
  • Defining the maturity level 
  • Assessing the security practices an technologies


Sometimes you only need a short projects to get things moving. Here are some examples

  • Cloud strategy and transformation
  • Data & Analytics operating model and technology transformation
  • Security and Risk management framework

Interim and fractional CTO/CIO services provide continuity on the development and are not fixed on scope. They provide flexibility and are therefore tailored for the need

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some commonly asked questions. If you have other questions please get in contcact

Interim CIO/CTO works as part of the organisation. He acts as he would be selected to a position. Interim CIO is usually more operational in the daily work of the company.

Fractional CIO is similar to Interim CIO but can be employed as a part-time employee. Sometimes small and medium businesses do not need a full time CIO. In these cases it is flexible to have a part-time contract from 1-3 days per week

Contact me

Lets discuss how I can help your company

Kaapro Consulting Oy

Helsinki based technology consulting

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